2014년 10월 26일 일요일

Week 7 - The Narration

My persuasive argument thesis is:
 The various types of advertisements' appearance and the advertising effects are positive.

1. What do people already know about my topic?

 Everyone knows that we are close to the advertisements and there are many kinds of it.(The t.v., Internet, and paper)  Everyone knows that the advertisement is related to the visual effect. Also they already realize that the advertising's aim is to introduce and publicize the products.

2. What research has already been done about my topic?

-This source has both positive and negative opinions about advertisements in our society.
-This source is directly related to the advertising effect and show that people are conscious of the commercial even they don't know why.

-These are about opponent's argument that the advertising can occur negative effects in our society.

3. What are the implications of my argument (What if I'm right? What if I'm right and people ignore me?)

 The advertisement effect cannot be ignored. We can pay more attention to the advertisement in our lives and people will consider the advertising as more important than before. If people ignore me, they will deny their trait about visual effect. They will have problem to find out people's consumption tendency. 

My Narration

 Before the letter's appearance, the form of advertisement was people's voice. To attract others by one's speech and explain the product was the only way. After that time, the letter was appeared and the poster was used in advertising. People can read the poster to get information, and the printed advertisement on the newspaper was developing the advertisement business. The world was processing continuously and finally the broadcast media was appeared. This way of advertising is the most effective way until now. Television and radio give messages to people by the image and sound. Today, the development of the internet bring new form of advertising. Initial way of internet advertising is banner, but now there are so many types like viral marketing, and interactive advertisement. Like this, the advertising became passive to active, receive to interact.
 Also the trend of the advertising is changed. The remarkable example is the television commercials. The past commercials contained the explanation of the products. They just tell consumers the strong points of themselves. However, today, the commercials become more emotional. Sometimes it's hard to distinct the commercials and the public service advertisements. People ignore and don't pay attention to normal advertisements, so the companies include stories into the commercials. So we can easily find some theme in the commercials like family, love and sympathy. To catch consumer's attention, the advertisement business is changed continuously.
 To transmit one advertisement costs almost ten million won to one hundred million. This tendency show us that the advertisement is very important in company. If it's not important, the company don't have to appropriate enormous budget to advertising. The ultimate purpose of the company is to maximize one's benefits. So this show us the advertisements do big part in sales. To stimulate people's sight can drag out their response. So even the trademark on the product can be the advertising which means repeating effect. Almost all of the products have the marks on their body. Through this, people realize that brand repeatedly. Because of this, we become familiar with many brands and can remind that with some products that we have already used.

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