2014년 12월 5일 금요일

Final draft

The various types of advertisements' appearance and the advertising effects are positive.

 When we access to our 'Facebook' account, we can see the advertising banners quite often. Before the TV programs and Youtube videos, the short advertising videos are playing. On the street, we can see every store have its sign and many advertising pictures attached on the wall or the bus stop. Even the trademark on the products is the kinds of advertising. Like this situation, the advertisements coexist with our lives, and they affect us more than we think. Advertising sometimes changed people's behavior and perception. We buy the products that are advertised by our favorite actor or actress, and sometimes buy the products that are produced by the popular brands that many people already used. Also, the public service advertisements emerge annually to improve people's thought. These phenomenons tell us that in the modern society, people are living in a flood of advertising. So we receive a lot of positive effects from advertising.

 Before the letter's appearance, the form of advertisement was people's voice. To attract others by one's speech and explain the product was the only way. After that time, the letter appeared, and the poster was used in advertising. People can read the poster to get information, and the printed advertisement on the newspaper was developing the advertisement business. The world was processing continuously and finally the broadcast media appeared. This way of advertising is the most effective way now. Television and radio give messages to people by the image and sound. Today, the development of the internet bring the new form of advertising. The initial way of internet advertising is banner. However, there are so many types of advertising like viral marketing and interactive advertisement now. Like this, the advertising became passive to active and from receiving information to interacting with each other. 

 Also, the trend of the advertising is changed. A remarkable example is the television commercials. The past commercials contained the explanation of the products. They just tell consumers the strong points of themselves. However, today, the commercials become more emotional. Sometimes it'shard to distinct the commercials and the public service advertisements. People ignore and don't pay attention to normal advertisements, so the companies include stories into the commercials. So we can easily find some theme in the commercials like family, love, and sympathy. The advertisement business is changed continuously for catching consumer's attention.

 To transmit one advertisement costs almost ten million won to one hundred million. This tendency shows us that the advertisement is imperative in the company. If it's not important, the company don't have to appropriate enormous budget to advertising. The ultimate purpose of the company is to maximize one 's benefits. So this show us the advertisements do the big part in sales. To stimulate people 's sight can drag out their response. So even the trademark on the product can be the advertising that means repeating effect. Almost all of the products have the marks on their body. Through those  marks, people realize that brand repeatedly. Because of this, we become familiar with many brands and can remind that with some products that we have already used.

 When a company makes the advertisement, the most important factor is the model. Of course, some advertisements don't have the models but the advertisements generally have it. When people show their favorite actor or actress on the commercial, they tend to buy those products. So some people said that one's popularity can be confirmed by the number of commercials. There are many examples that the model increases the sales. The sales of 'Maeil milk' increased about five times, and the proportion of the low-fat milk became ten percents to thirty percents after they changed their model into Yuna Kim. (Shinyoung Securities, 2009) The research of 'NH Bank''s preference also shows the model effect. The baseball player H.J Ryu became their model, and they made some products based on his name. Those products sold out quickly, and clients asked to increase the supply. (NH bank. 2014)  For the model effect, some commercials use more than two models to target various age groups, the cosmetic brands usually use this strategy. Like this phenomenon, the commercial model's effect is nothing to sneeze.

 The advertisements' effect is so critical that the companies used the advertisements to construct their images. Also through the advertisement, the company can establish their identity and a reputation. Therefore, the company tried to build their specific image. For example, people tend to prefer the proven products. So the company that has the long history claim their experiences and the friendliness. Then people thought that this company is reliable. Also, some companies construct one particular part to reinforce. Samsung and Apple emphasize their digital technology and make one theme as 'galaxy' and 'i phone'. It makes consumers connect that image with the company. Not only the products but the social image can be made with advertising. The campaigns that are progressed by the company cannot easily become known to others. Therefore, the company use the advertising to announce their projects and inculcate the better image to consumers. The advertising is connected with the company's image, and also the sales are increasing.

The characteristics of public service advertisements are little different with the commercial, but they show the exact examples of the positive effect of the advertising. The public service advertisements are for public service. It inspires nation's conscious and tries to improve public problems. Some commercials involve similar purpose but the nonprofit, and the profit organization has differences. Therefore through the public service advertisement, we can see many positive aspects of the advertisements. For example, in 2013 the paper advertisement which got gold statue in the student section rippled social effect. It's about the historical consciousness and it awake the lack of student's historical consciousness. Many people were touching by this work and did self-reflection. Also, the t.v advertising about the car accident related the family's love and the accident. This advertisement made people concern more about the car accident and the safety. Like this, many public service advertisements affect our society effectively. 

 The spread of the advertisement cause conflict opinion of advertising to appear. Some people who insist that the advertising effect is not positive said that the advertising can give stereotypes to people. The advertisements of kitchen utensils and the cooking are the examples. It's not incorrect to think like this. However, if they understand the aim of the advertising, their idea can be changed. The ultimate aim of the advertising is to introduce the products and appeal their advantages. So it is inevitable to target a particular group that is thought as the biggest consumers. For example, housewives are the people who are using kitchen utensils the most. Therefore, the kitchen utensils advertising is connected with their actual shop, housewives. Other people except housewives can use that but not the most. Also, people didn't pay much attention to the advertising that has no connection with them, so to concern the stereotype is an excessive behavior. The advertising laws help people against false advertisements too. 

 People sometimes said that the advertising is not important. They insist that the function or the design influence them to buy. However, they overlook this point; the way they encounter is the advertising. The video or the poster is not all of the advertising. The arrangement of the products and even their trademark on the product are also the advertising. In the market, there are many products and people's needs are limited. So the seller arrange the product effectively to maximize the sales as they put the candy in the middle of the display stand for children's eye-level. This arrangement makes consumers buy unplanned products. Also, the advertising announces people the products that they can realize them. The consumers tend to consider the familiar products more than unfamiliar thing. So they pick the advertised products unconsciously.

 The society's development makes the advertisement business to develop, and the advertisement business' development also make the society develop. It seems that the advertisement becomes the crucial factor in the society. The advertisement is growing rapidly, and now we cannot ignore it, and the advertisement and the society come into close.  So we can see many examples about advertising effect in our society. The 'Mapo Bridge' is once considered as a place of suicide. However, to improve this phenomenon, the Cheil communication, and the Seoul government propelled 'Bridge of Life' project and the suicide rate decreased. Also, the citizens can receive some consolation from this, and the respond of the people is positive.This bridge is one of the cases that show us the positive aspect of the advertisement. Like this phenomenon, the advertising is not just way of propagating but the method of form society. Also, there is a trait that many people just passing and do not care about the advertisements often. However, in those actions, people are affected by the advertisements, and they can find themselves to buy the products that are advertised. In our lives, the advertisements become influential thing, and we are going to meet more advertisements that we cannot see before. So we have to conscious more about the positive effects of the advertising.


Sheri Cyprus. (2014, November 24). What are the effects of advertising on consumers?. WiseGEEK. 
Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-effects-of-advertising-on-consumers.htm

Krina Modi. (n.d.). Effects on advertisements on society - An analytical essay, E-portfolio of Krina ModiRetrieved from  https://sites.google.com/site/eportfolioofkrinamodi/effects-of-advertisements-on-society---an-analytical-essay

Kaylee Finn, Demand Media. (n.d.) Negative social consequences of advertising. Chron. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/negative-social-consequences-advertising-26072.html

Advertising effects. (n.d.). In Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/articles/pages/6414/Advertising-Effects.html

Ahn Jae Man. (2006, June 24). Maeil milk. The sales rate soared because of Yuna Kim effect. Edaily. Retrieved from http://www.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy SCD=JB31&newsid=01321846589725000&DCD=A10103&OutLnkChk=Y

Gregory Hamel, Demand Media. (n.d.). Why advertisements are good?. Chron. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advertisements-good-15407.html

Go Min seo. (2014, October 15). NH bank, the model effect of RHJ. Financial news. Retrieved from http://www.fnnews.com/news/201410151734467915

Mediaknowall (n.d.) Advertising topics - History of advertising. Retrieved from http://www.mediaknowall.com/as_alevel/Advertising/advertising.php?pageID=history

Peer review (임진아)

According to the rubric above, what grade would you give this essay? Why?
3점. narration부분이 좀 약하고 conclusion이 좀더 명확해야 할 것 같다.

How does this essay need to improve to get a better grade?

narration을 더 자세하게 쓰고 conclusion에서 의견을 강화할 수 있는 요소들이 포함되어야 할 것 같다.

What is the thesis?
- Reading education is suitable for development of children.

Is the thesis clear and debatable?

If you (The reviewer) wrote this essay, how would you have written the thesis?

Any other thoughts?

Classical Argument

Can you easily identify the 5 parts of the classical argument? If no, what parts are missing?

Does the introduction catch your attention? Does it comfortably lead to the thesis? 

Yes/ Yes

Does the narration give all the necessary background information to understand the topic?

narration 부분이 약간 더 길고 구체적이었으면 좋겠다.

Does the confirmation adequately support the thesis?


Does the refutation and concession address a realistic counterpoint? Does it adequately dispute the counterpoint, or respond in a reasonable manner?


Does the conclusion summarize the article and address the larger significance of the thesis? 

Yes 하지만 좀 더 보강이 필요한 것 같다.

What suggestions do you have for improving the classical argument structure?

Narration, Conclusion 강화


When you started reading the essay, did you agree or disagree with the thesis? 

When you finished the essay, did you agree or disagree with the thesis?


If your mind changed, why? What parts of the essay were persuasive?


How could the author enhance the persuasive parts of their essay?

예시들을 좀 더 구체적으로 배열하면 좋을 것 같다.


Is the author using research effectively? 

Is the research from appropriate sources?


Are the sources obvious?


Are the pieces of evidence relevant to the thesis or essay?


Are there any parts of the essay that need evidence to support the claims?


Peer review (이정현)

According to the rubric above, what grade would you give this essay? Why?

4점. narration부분이 좀 더 명확해야 할 것 같다.

How does this essay need to improve to get a better grade?

인터넷 신문과 종이 신문에 대한 더 자세하고 다양한 부분에서의 설명이 있으면 좋을 것 같다. 


What is the thesis?
- Paper news won't disappear despite the Internet news has invaded the domain of paper news.

Is the thesis clear and debatable?
 잘 모르겠다. 인터넷 신문이 종이 신문의 영역을 침범한다는 것이 가능한가...? 영역 침범이 아니라 대체하는 것 이라고 생각한다.

If you (The reviewer) wrote this essay, how would you have written the thesis?
- Paper news won't disappear even the Internet news' effect is getting bigger. 

Any other thoughts?


Classical Argument

Can you easily identify the 5 parts of the classical argument? If no, what parts are missing?

Does the introduction catch your attention? Does it comfortably lead to the thesis? 

Yes/ Yes

Does the narration give all the necessary background information to understand the topic?

이 글을 읽는 데 큰 지장은 없었지만 내용 강화가 조금 더 들어가면 좋을 것 같다.

Does the confirmation adequately support the thesis?

Yes. 다만 인용 문구들을 요약하면 더 좋을 것 같다.

Does the refutation and concession address a realistic counterpoint? Does it adequately dispute the counterpoint, or respond in a reasonable manner?


Does the conclusion summarize the article and address the larger significance of the thesis? 


What suggestions do you have for improving the classical argument structure?

Narration 강화


When you started reading the essay, did you agree or disagree with the thesis? 

When you finished the essay, did you agree or disagree with the thesis?


If your mind changed, why? What parts of the essay were persuasive?


How could the author enhance the persuasive parts of their essay?

인용문을 요약하고 더 다양한 사례들을 들으면 좋을 것 같다.


Is the author using research effectively? 

Is the research from appropriate sources?


Are the sources obvious?


Are the pieces of evidence relevant to the thesis or essay?


Are there any parts of the essay that need evidence to support the claims?

첫번째 의견에서 한 사람의 발언을 토대로 뒷받침하고 있는데 더 다양한 사례가 있다면 좋을 것 같다.

2014년 11월 16일 일요일

Second draft

The various types of advertisements' appearance and the advertising effects are positive.

 When you access to your 'Facebook' account, you can see the advertising banners quite often. Before the t.v programs and Youtube videos, the short advertising videos are playing. On the street, you can see every store have its sign and many advertising pictures attached on the wall or the bus stop. Even the trademark on the products is the kinds of advertising. Like this situation, the advertisements coexist with our lives, and they affect us more than we thought. Advertising sometimes changed people's behavior and perception. We buy the products that are advertised by our favorite actor or actress, and sometimes buy the products that are produced by the popular brands that many people already used. Also, the public service advertisements emerge annually to improve people's thought. These phenomenons tell us that in the modern society, people are living in a flood of advertising. So we receive a lot of effects by advertising, the positive effects.

 Before the letter's appearance, the form of advertisement was people's voice. To attract others by one's speech and explain the product was the only way. After that time, the letter appeared, and the poster was used in advertising. People can read the poster to get information, and the printed advertisement on the newspaper was developing the advertisement business. The world was processing continuously and finally the broadcast media were appeared. This way of advertising is the most effective way until now . Television and radio give messages to people by the image and sound . Today, the development of the internet bring the new form of advertising. The initial way of internet advertising is banner. However there are so many types of advertising like viral marketing and interactive advertisement now. Like this the advertising became passive to active, receive to interact. 

 Also, the trend of the advertising is changed. A remarkable example is the television commercials. The past commercials contained the explanation of the products. They just tell consumers the strong points of themselves. However, today, the commercials become more emotional. Sometimes it'shard to distinct the commercials and the public service advertisements. People ignore and don't pay attention to normal advertisements, so the companies include stories into the commercials. So we can easily find some theme in the commercials like family, love and sympathy. The advertisement business is changed continuously for catching consumer's attention.

 To transmit one advertisement costs almost ten million won to one hundred million. This tendency shows us that the advertisement is imperative in the company. If it's not important, the company don't have to appropriate enormous budget to advertising. The ultimate purpose of the company is to maximize one 's benefits. So this show us the advertisements do the big part in sales. To stimulate people 's sight can drag out their response. So even the trademark on the product can be the advertising that means repeating effect. Almost all of the products have the marks on their body. Through those  marks, people realize that brand repeatedly. Because of this, we become familiar with many brands and can remind that with some products that we have already used.

 When a company makes the advertisement, the most important factor is the model. Of course, some advertisements don't have the models but the advertisements generally have it. When people show their favorite actor or actress on the commercial, they tend to buy those products. So some people said that one's popularity can be confirmed by the number of commercials. There are many examples that the model increases the sales. The sales of 'Maeil milk' increased about five times, and the proportion of the low-fat milk became ten percents to thirty percents after they changed their model into Yuna Kim. The research of 'NH Bank''s preference also shows the model effect. The baseball player H.J Ryu became their model, and they made some products based on his name. Those products sold out quickly, and clients asked to increase the supply.  For the model effect, some commercials use more than two models to target various age groups, the cosmetic brands usually use this strategy. Like this phenomenon, the commercial model's effect is nothing to sneeze.

 The advertisements' exposure is so often that the companies used the advertisements to construct their images. Also through the advertisement, the company can establish their identity and a reputation. Therefore, the company tried to build their specific image. For example, people tend to prefer the proven products. So the company that has the long history claim their experiences and the friendliness. Then people thought that this company is reliable. Also, some companies construct one particular part to reinforce. Samsung and Apple emphasize their digital technology and make one theme as 'galaxy' and 'i phone'. It makes consumers connect that image with the company. Not only the products but the social image can be made with advertising. The campaigns that are progressed by the company cannot easily become known to others. Therefore, the company use the advertising to announce their projects and inculcate the better image to consumers. The advertising is connected with the company's image, and also the sales are increasing.

The characteristics of public service advertisements are little different with the commercial, but they show the exact examples of the positive effect of the advertising. The public service advertisements are for public service. It inspires nation's conscious and tries to improve public problems. Some commercials involve similar purpose but the nonprofit, and the profit organization has differences. Therefore through the public service advertisement, we can see many positive aspects of the advertisements. For example, in 2013 the paper advertisement which got gold statue in the student section rippled social effect. It's about the historical consciousness and it awake the lack of student's historical consciousness. Many people were touching by this work and did self-reflection. Also the t.v advertising about the car accident related the family's love and the accident. This advertisement made people concern more about the car accident and the safety. Like this, many public service advertisements affect our society effectively. 

 The spread of the advertisement cause conflict opinion of advertising to appear. Some people who insist that the advertising effect is not positive said that the advertising can give stereotypes to people. The advertisements of kitchen utensils and the cooking are the examples. It's not incorrect to think like this. However, if they understand the aim of the advertising, their idea can be changed. The ultimate aim of the advertising is to introduce the products and appeal their advantages. So it is inevitable to target the particular group that are thought as the biggest consumers. For example, housewives are the people who are using kitchen utensils the most. Therefore, the kitchen utensils advertising is connected with their actual shoppe housewives. Other people except housewives can use that but not the most. Also, people didn't pay much attention to the advertising that has no connection with them, so to concern the stereotype is an excessive behavior. The advertising laws help people against false advertisements too. 

 People sometimes said that the advertising is not important. They insist that the function or the design affect them to buy. However, they overlook this point; the way they encounter is the advertising. The video or the poster is not all of the advertising. The arrangement of the products and even their trademark on the product are also the advertising. In the market, there are many products and people's needs are limited. So the seller arrange the product effectively to maximize the sales as they put the candy in the middle of the display stand for children's eye-level. This arrangement makes consumers buy unplanned products. Also, the advertising announces people the products that they can realize them. The consumers tend to consider the familiar products more than unfamiliar thing. So they pick the advertised products unconsciously.

 The society's development makes the advertisement business to develop, and the advertisement business' development also make the society develop. It seems that the advertisement becomes very important factor in the society. The advertisement is growing rapidly, and now we cannot ignore it, and the advertisement and the society come into close.  So we can see many examples about advertising effect in our society. The 'Mapo Bridge' is once considered as a place of suicide. However, to improve this phenomenon, the Cheil communication and the Seoul government propelled 'Bridge of Life' project and the suicide rate decreased. Also, the citizens can receive some consolation from this and the respond of the people is positive.This bridge is one of the cases that show us the positive aspect of the advertisement. Like this phenomenon, the advertising is not just way of propagating but the method of form society. Also there is a trait that many people just passing and do not care about the advertisements often. However, in those actions, people are affected by the advertisements, and they can find themselves to buy the products that are advertised. In our lives, the advertisements become influential thing, and we are going to meet more advertisements that we cannot see before. So we have to conscious more about the positive effects of the advertising.







2014년 11월 9일 일요일

Research 4 - Why advertisements are good

Source :

Why advertisements are good

My Topic :
The various types of advertisements' appearance and the advertising effects are positive.

What I hope to learn from this source :
 The great sides of advertisements (the actual cases are better but the part is not bad).

Notes :
1.Advertisements can be beneficial to a business because they can inform new customers       of the existence and virtues of its products and services.

2.They (advertisements) can help a business establish an identity and a reputation within a     certain industry. 

3. Advertising can be expensive, but if an advertising campaign increases revenues enough     to offset the cost of running ads, they can result in higher profits.

4.Advertising laws help protect consumers against false advertisements, which improves         the information consumers can use to make decisions about which products and services     to buy.

Final Thoughts : 

 According to the note 1,2,3, I can know the positive sides of advertisements. Actually related with the company. I can use this to prove my arguments as the advertisements can calculate the profits. Also the note 4 helps to refute opponent's ideas as there are some advertisements which give bad effects.

2014년 11월 2일 일요일

Self evaluation

First, what score do you think you deserve? Write a brief justification. Think about it, then look at my answer.

- I think I deserve 2 points. I included almost every elements of a classical argument, and my research was related with my thesis.

Next, let's decide what did you do well, and what could you do better? Think about it, then look at my answers.

1) My organization was good. I didn't include unnecessary information and also my arguments are connected logically. 

2) I need more researches to prove my arguments. I have to use various researches to persuade people. Also I need rearrangement of my points. It have to be more apparent and ordered.

Please recall the 5 parts of the classical argument. Which part of the classical argument did you use the best? Which part could be improved? Think about it, then look at my answers.

1)  In my narration, I gave adequate background information and knowledge to readers and I have related examples with my thesis.

2) My conclusion is very weak. Because it need more well-ordered organization. I need some consideration of it's construction.

Last, what's your strategy for your next draft? Where will you focus your attention to make the second draft stronger?

- I think I have to reconstitute my conclusion and also I need more researches for my essay. I have three researches about my topic, so I think I need at least two researches for better essay. Also I have to reinforce my refutation. I think the reference of the opponents' opinion part is weak. I have to add more opponent's opinion and reinforce my arguments. So, I have three step plan 1) Complement the conclusion  2) Research  3) Improve refutation

2014년 10월 26일 일요일

First draft

The various types of advertisements' appearance and the advertising effects are positive.

 When you access to your 'Facebook' account, you can see the advertising banners quite often. Before the t.v programs and the you tube videos, the short advertising videos are playing. On the street, you can see every stores have its own sign and many advertising pictures attached on the wall or the bus stop. Even the trademark on the products are the kinds of advertising. Like this, the advertisements coexist with our lives and they affect us more than we thought. Advertising sometimes changed people's behavior and perception. We buy the products which are advertised by our favorite actor or actress, and sometimes buy the products which are produced by the popular brands that many people already used. Also the public service advertisements emerge annually to improve people's thought. These phenomenons tell us that in the modern society, people are living in the flood of advertising. So we receive a lot of effects by advertising, actually the positive effects.

 Before the letter's appearance, the form of advertisement was people's voice. To attract others by one's speech and explain the product was the only way. After that time, the letter was appeared and the poster was used in advertising. People can read the poster to get information, and the printed advertisement on the newspaper was developing the advertisement business. The world was processing continuously and finally the broadcast media was appeared. This way of advertising is the most effective way until now. Television and radio give messages to people by the image and sound. Today, the development of the internet bring new form of advertising. Initial way of internet advertising is banner, but now there are so many types like viral marketing, and interactive advertisement. Like this, the advertising became passive to active, receive to interact.

 Also the trend of the advertising is changed. The remarkable example is the television commercials. The past commercials contained the explanation of the products. They just tell consumers the strong points of themselves. However, today, the commercials become more emotional. Sometimes it's hard to distinct the commercials and the public service advertisements. People ignore and don't pay attention to normal advertisements, so the companies include stories into the commercials. So we can easily find some theme in the commercials like family, love and sympathy. To catch consumer's attention, the advertisement business is changed continuously.

 To transmit one advertisement costs almost ten million won to one hundred million. This tendency show us that the advertisement is very important in company. If it's not important, the company don't have to appropriate enormous budget to advertising. The ultimate purpose of the company is to maximize one's benefits. So this show us the advertisements do big part in sales. To stimulate people's sight can drag out their response. So even the trademark on the product can be the advertising which means repeating effect. Almost all of the products have the marks on their body. Through this, people realize that brand repeatedly. Because of this, we become familiar with many brands and can remind that with some products that we have already used.

 When the company makes the advertisement, the most important factor is the model. Of course some advertisements don't have the models, the advertisements generally have. When people show their favorite actor or actress on the commercial, they tend to buy that products. So some people said that one's popularity can be confirmed by the number of commercials. There are many examples that the model increases the sales. The sales of 'Maeil milk' increased about five times and the proportion of the low-fat milk became 10 percents to 30 percents after they changed their model into Yuna Kim. The research of 'NH Bank''s preference also show the model effect. The baseball player H.J Ryu became their model and they made some products based on his name. That products sold out quickly and clients asked to increase the supply.  For the model effect, some commercials use more than two models to target various age groups, the cosmetic brands usually use this strategy. Like this, the commercial model's effect is nothing to sneeze.

 The advertisements' exposure is so often that the companies used the advertisements to construct their images. Therefore the company tried to build their own specific image. For example, people tend to prefer the proven products. So the company which has the long history claim their experiences and the friendliness. Then people thought that this company is reliable. Also some companies construct one particular part to reinforce. Samsung and Apple emphasize their digital technology and make one theme as 'galaxy' and 'i phone'. It makes consumers to connect that image with the company. Not only the products but the social image can be made with advertising. The campaigns which are progressed by the company cannot easily become known to others. Therefore the company use the advertising to announce their projects and inculcate the better image to consumers. This is connected with the company's image, and also the sales are increasing.

 The characteristics of public service advertisements are little different with the commercial, but they show the exact examples of the positive effect of the advertising. The public service advertisements are literally for public service. It inspires nation's conscious and tries to improve public problems. Some commercials involve similar purpose but the nonprofit and the profit organization have differences. Therefore through the public service advertisement, we can see many positive aspects of the advertisements. For example, in 2013 the paper advertisement which got gold statue in student section rippled social effect. It's about the historical consciousness and it awake the lack of student's historical consciousness. Many people were touching by this work and did self-reflection. Also the t.v. advertising about the car accident related the family's love and the accident. This made people concern more about the car accident and the safety. Like this many public service advertisements affect our society effectively. 

 The spread of the advertisement cause conflict opinion of advertising to appear. Some people who insist that the advertising effect is not positive said that the advertising can give stereotypes to people. The advertisements of kitchen utensils and the cooking are the examples. Actually it's not incorrect to think like this. However if they understand the aim of the advertising, their idea can be changed. The ultimate aim of the advertising is to introduce the products and appeal their advantages. So it is inevitable to target particular group which are thought as the biggest consumers. For example, housewives are the people who are using kitchen utensils the most. Therefore the kitchen utensils advertising is connected with their actual shopper housewives. Other people except housewives can use that but not the most. Also people didn't pay much attention to the advertising which has no connection with them, so to concern the stereotype is an excessive behavior. People sometimes said that the advertising is not important also. They insist that the function or the design affect them to buy. However, they overlook this point, the way they encounter is the advertising. The video or the poster is not all of the advertising. The arrangement of the products and even their trademark on the product are also the advertising. In the market, there are many products and people's needs are limited. So the seller arrange the product effectively to maximize the sales as they put the candy in the middle of the display stand for children's eye-level. This arrangement makes consumers to buy unplanned products. Also the advertising announce people the products that they can realize them. The consumers tend to consider the familiar products more than unfamiliar thing. So they pick the advertised products unconsciously.

 The society's development makes the advertisement business to develop, and the advertisement business' development also make the society to develop. So we can see many examples about advertising effect in our society. The advertisement is growing rapidly and now we cannot ignore it. The advertisement and the society come into close. The 'Mapo Bridge' is once considered as the place of suicide. However, to improve this phenomenon, the Cheil communication and the Seoul government propelled 'Bridge of Life' project and the suicide rate decreased. Also the citizens can receive some consolation from this and the respond of the people is positive.This is one of the cases that show us the positive aspect of the advertisement. Like this the advertising is not just way of propagate but the method of form society. Many people just passing and do not care about the advertisements often. However, in those actions, people are affected by the advertisements and they can find themselves to buy the products which are advertised. In our lives, the advertisements become influential thing and we have to conscious more about the positive effects of the advertising.






Week 10 - Conclusion

 The society's development makes the advertisement business to develop, and the advertisement business' development also make the society to develop. So we can see many examples about advertising effect in our society. The advertisement is growing rapidly and now we cannot ignore it. The advertisement and the society come into close. The 'Mapo Bridge' is once considered as the place of suicide. However, to improve this phenomenon, the Cheil communication and the Seoul government propelled 'Bridge of Life' project and the suicide rate decreased. Also the citizens can receive some consolation from this and the respond of the people is positive.This is one of the cases that show us the positive aspect of the advertisement. Like this the advertising is not just way of propagate but the method of form society. Many people just passing and do not care about the advertisements often. However, in those actions, people are affected by the advertisements and they can find themselves to buy the products which are advertised. In our lives, the advertisements become influential thing and we have to conscious more about the positive effects of the advertising.

Week 9 - Refutation and Concession

1. What is my thesis?
The various types of advertisements' appearance and the advertising effects are positive.

2. What is the opposite position?

The advertisement effect is not positive.

3. What arguments can I anticipate?
a) The stereotype on the advertising.b) The effect of other factors except the advertisement. 

4. How will I counter those arguments?
a) To consider the advertisement's characteristics, it's inevitable to decide specific target. b) The way to encounter the products are almost the advertisements. 

My Refutation and Concession

 The spread of the advertisement cause conflict opinion of advertising to appear. Some people who insist that the advertising effect is not positive said that the advertising can give stereotypes to people. The advertisements of kitchen utensils and the cooking are the examples. Actually it's not incorrect to think like this. However if they understand the aim of the advertising, their idea can be changed. The ultimate aim of the advertising is to introduce the products and appeal their advantages. So it is inevitable to target particular group which are thought as the biggest consumers. For example, housewives are the people who are using kitchen utensils the most. Therefore the kitchen utensils advertising is connected with their actual shopper housewives. Other people except housewives can use that but not the most. Also people didn't pay much attention to the advertising which has no connection with them, so to concern the stereotype is an excessive behavior. People sometimes said that the advertising is not important also. They insist that the function or the design affect them to buy. However, they overlook this point, the way they encounter is the advertising. The video or the poster is not all of the advertising. The arrangement of the products and even their trademark on the product are also the advertising. In the market, there are many products and people's needs are limited. So the seller arrange the product effectively to maximize the sales as they put the candy in the middle of the display stand for children's eye-level. This arrangement makes consumers to buy unplanned products. Also the advertising announce people the products that they can realize them. The consumers tend to consider the familiar products more than unfamiliar thing. So they pick the advertised products unconsciously.

Week 8 - Confirmation

1. What is my thesis? 
 The various types of advertisements' appearance and the advertising effects are positive.

2. What types of source am I using to defend my thesis? 

I am using some statistics, a famous and relevant examples and the lecture content that I've heard.

3. Are my arguments mostly based on evidence, logic or emotion?

My arguments have familiar evidence that many people should aware. Some facts can be strange but not hard to understand. I have some examples that we can easily confirm in our lives as Apple and Samsung and the models like Yuna Kim and H.J Ryu. They are almost connected with the sales rate. Also the public service advertisement is used to prove social positive effects.  

My Confirmation

 When the company makes the advertisement, the most important factor is the model. Of course some advertisements don't have the models, the advertisements generally have. When people show their favorite actor or actress on the commercial, they tend to buy that products. So some people said that one's popularity can be confirmed by the number of commercials. There are many examples that the model increases the sales. The sales of 'Maeil milk' increased about five times and the proportion of the low-fat milk became 10 percents to 30 percents after they changed their model into Yuna Kim. (http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.phpaid=2012061451247)The research of 'NH Bank''s preference also show the model effect. The baseball player H.J Ryu became their model and they made some products based on his name. That products sold out quickly and clients asked to increase the supply. (http://www.fnnews.com/news/201410151734467915) For the model effect, some commercials use more than two models to target various age groups, the cosmetic brands usually use this strategy. Like this, the commercial model's effect is nothing to sneeze.

 The advertisements' exposure is so often that the companies used the advertisements to construct their images. Therefore the company tried to build their own specific image. For example, people tend to prefer the proven products. So the company which has the long history claim their experiences and the friendliness. Then people thought that this company is reliable. Also some companies construct one particular part to reinforce. Samsung and Apple emphasize their digital technology and make one theme as 'galaxy' and 'i phone'. It makes consumers to connect that image with the company. Not only the products but the social image can be made with advertising. The campaigns which are progressed by the company cannot easily become known to others. Therefore the company use the advertising to announce their projects and inculcate the better image to consumers. This is connected with the company's image, and also the sales are increasing.

 The characteristics of public service advertisements are little different with the commercial, but they show the exact examples of the positive effect of the advertising. The public service advertisements are literally for public service. It inspires nation's conscious and tries to improve public problems. Some commercials involve similar purpose but the nonprofit and the profit organization have differences. Therefore through the public service advertisement, we can see many positive aspects of the advertisements. For example, in 2013 the paper advertisement which got gold statue in student section rippled social effect. It's about the historical consciousness and it awake the lack of student's historical consciousness. Many people were touching by this work and did self-reflection. Also the t.v. advertising about the car accident related the family's love and the accident. This made people concern more about the car accident and the safety. Like this many public service advertisements affect our society effectively. 

Week 7 - The Narration

My persuasive argument thesis is:
 The various types of advertisements' appearance and the advertising effects are positive.

1. What do people already know about my topic?

 Everyone knows that we are close to the advertisements and there are many kinds of it.(The t.v., Internet, and paper)  Everyone knows that the advertisement is related to the visual effect. Also they already realize that the advertising's aim is to introduce and publicize the products.

2. What research has already been done about my topic?

-This source has both positive and negative opinions about advertisements in our society.
-This source is directly related to the advertising effect and show that people are conscious of the commercial even they don't know why.

-These are about opponent's argument that the advertising can occur negative effects in our society.

3. What are the implications of my argument (What if I'm right? What if I'm right and people ignore me?)

 The advertisement effect cannot be ignored. We can pay more attention to the advertisement in our lives and people will consider the advertising as more important than before. If people ignore me, they will deny their trait about visual effect. They will have problem to find out people's consumption tendency. 

My Narration

 Before the letter's appearance, the form of advertisement was people's voice. To attract others by one's speech and explain the product was the only way. After that time, the letter was appeared and the poster was used in advertising. People can read the poster to get information, and the printed advertisement on the newspaper was developing the advertisement business. The world was processing continuously and finally the broadcast media was appeared. This way of advertising is the most effective way until now. Television and radio give messages to people by the image and sound. Today, the development of the internet bring new form of advertising. Initial way of internet advertising is banner, but now there are so many types like viral marketing, and interactive advertisement. Like this, the advertising became passive to active, receive to interact.
 Also the trend of the advertising is changed. The remarkable example is the television commercials. The past commercials contained the explanation of the products. They just tell consumers the strong points of themselves. However, today, the commercials become more emotional. Sometimes it's hard to distinct the commercials and the public service advertisements. People ignore and don't pay attention to normal advertisements, so the companies include stories into the commercials. So we can easily find some theme in the commercials like family, love and sympathy. To catch consumer's attention, the advertisement business is changed continuously.
 To transmit one advertisement costs almost ten million won to one hundred million. This tendency show us that the advertisement is very important in company. If it's not important, the company don't have to appropriate enormous budget to advertising. The ultimate purpose of the company is to maximize one's benefits. So this show us the advertisements do big part in sales. To stimulate people's sight can drag out their response. So even the trademark on the product can be the advertising which means repeating effect. Almost all of the products have the marks on their body. Through this, people realize that brand repeatedly. Because of this, we become familiar with many brands and can remind that with some products that we have already used.